Saturday, January 28, 2012

January Snail Mail Sent

In order to make my trip to the post office remotely interesting, without disclosing what is being mailed to whom, I'm going to pretend a dragon live in my post office. To my knowledge, my post office is dragon-free.

This morning, I found a shoebox, loaded it up, wrote a quick note, wrapped it in brown paper, then used excessive amounts of packing tape to ensure it would stay together. The amount of tape may seem insane, but, for those of you who do not know, my mom once sent me cookies, and all I received was the brown paper she had wrapped the box in. So, apologies to the package receiver.

I went into the post office, and was greeted by Claude, the dragon who lives at my post office. His kids (he has 37 of them) are now all grown up, and live a post offices all over the world. You may find it strange to learn that dragons live in post offices, but they're a great cost-saver. They heat the post office at half the cost of electric heating. It works out well for most dragons, too. They're fed through the winter, and have their summers free to do whatever they choose. They're always welcome in any post office, as they're great pest-control, so traveling is easy. Semi-domesticating them was a great advancement for people and for dragons.

Anyway, the package should be delivered on Monday. Enjoy, package recipient!

1 comment:

Casi said...

It was a superb package - tape and all. The snow leopard card was fantastic and just what I needed to great me when I got home that night :)