Sunday, May 20, 2012

May Volunteering

Philabundance is a food bank that serves southeastern PA and southern NJ. I headed there with One Brick for a morning of volunteering. First, they needed to divide us into two groups: sorting and packing meat and cleaning. I opted for cleaning, since the meat locker was cold. After we cleaned the floor, they moved us to sorting and tomatoes. Bad idea. It was pretty gross, and I'm pretty sure I never want to eat a tomato again.

Giant pile of rotten tomatoes that fell on the floor.

Looking at that picture kind of makes me nauseated. See the trash bin behind her? That's full of rotten tomatoes. We had to throw out more tomatoes than we were able to save. Then they dumped the bad tomatoes into the compost (which I was really excited about; I'm glad they find a use for as much as possible). I kind of wish I had packed meat, but people I talked to about that said they did the same thing for 3 hours, so I'm glad to have done some different things. All in all, a pretty good experience. 

The One Brick crew outside of Philabundance.

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